
Ext4 MVC example reader.read is not a function

in your store
Ext.define('ID.store.Users', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
model: 'User',

fully qualify the model

Ext.define('ID.store.Users', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
model: 'ID.model.User',

[ERROR] Ext is not defined, please verify that the library is loaded properly on the application's page

I've started playing in earnest with Ext4 and I'm going to list out errors that I hit and fix as I hit them.

When running the sencha command in Ubuntu Linux (from the Deployment section. 3 of the getting started guide)

> sencha create jsb -a index.html -p app.jsb3
[ERROR] Ext is not defined, please verify that the library is loaded properly on the application's page
undefined:0 ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Ext

use fully qualified paths

> sencha create jsb -a /home/stephen/repo/ext-id/index_dev.html -p /home/stephen/repo/ext-id/app2.jsb3
file:///home/stephen/repo/ext-id/app/controller/Users.js?_dc=1305753075380:40 The panel was rendered
file:///home/stephen/repo/ext-id/app.js:13 Launch
