

I needed to build an auditing system in django and it got me to thinking... What is a graceful way of being to see and get an authenticated user in the context of a model or signal?

I didn't immediately see one so I wrote django-user-registry

I have since deprecated this for function that looks through the stack to find the request signature.
If it finds the request it uses the user from there.

---- Deprecated (Does't work on multithreaded (read all) servers :P ----

The concept is simple create a small middleware class that registers an authenticated user with with a registry class on request and unregisters the user on result.

Then in your model/signal code you can check for and access a user if one exists in the current context.

This code is little naive... it definitely would fall down in a multithreaded environment. Any ideas? The only other way that I can think of implementing it is to walk back up the stack looking for a request...

(in settings.py)


# 3rd party
# allow access to authenticated users in models and signals

(in foo/signals.py)

from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete, m2m_changed
from django.dispatch import receiver

from user_registry import UserRegistry

def alert_on_user():
print "alert_on_user"
if UserRegistry.has_user():
user = UserRegistry.get_user()
print user

def post_save_audit(sender,**kwargs):

def post_delete_audit(sender,**kwargs):

def m2m_changed_audit(sender,**kwargs):

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